#15 | Part 2 – Running For Relief: Mental Health, ADHD, and The Road To Recovery | Dr Mark Rackley

As the world grappled with the aftermath of a global pandemic, many of us anticipated a sigh of relief with the return to normalcy; instead, we were met by mental strain. Marks personal solace? Running! Running became his sanctuary, a beacon of light in regulating stress. In this episode, we unpack the silent struggles that linger and the therapeutic embrace of exercise on our mental health, with a focus on running not just as a physical activity but as a lifeline for emotional stability. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often hides in plain sight, misunderstood and mistagged as mere hyperactivity. We navigate through the hase of misconceptions with guests who share intimate battles with the condition, revealing the profound impact it has on attention, emotional regulation, and, ultimately, life itself. The conversation then pivots to the problems of those within the NHS system, waiting for a diagnosis or treatment. Finally, we tread carefully into the dialogue surrounding medications for young people with ADHD, a topic both delicate and crucial. This is about more than just pills; it’s about understanding the developmental nuances of a condition that can infiltrate every aspect of life.


(0:00:00) – Mental Health Challenges During Tough Times

(0:03:54) – Challenges and Treatment of ADHD

(0:18:27) – ADHD and Medication Considerations

(0:22:44) – Medication and ADHD Management

#adhd #Treatment #Medication #Exercise #Running #NHS #CopingMechanisms #Misconceptions #Challenges #EmotionalRegulation #ExecutiveFunctioning #BrainDevelopment #Adolescents #QualityOfLife #Relatability #Connection

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